Sunday, December 9, 2007

3 Doors Down - Citizen Soldier

New video out from 3 Doors Down. This touches me because my husband is in our National Guard. He helped in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina, and now he is deploying to Iraq right after Christmas.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Really? It's been that long?

I can't believe I haven't posted anything since April! Okay, here's the update. I finished that sweater for my daughter. She loves it by the way. I could have sworn I took a picture of it, but I can't find it on my computer. I'll have to take another so that I can post it. Since then I have made 2 sweaters for my 2 youngest children (ages 16 an 17) out of the Harry Potter Knits book.
They were knitted on a circular needle as a tube. The ends were then closed with the fringe. This essentially makes the scarf double thickness and is very warm. The colors are different than what is depicted in the book, and they are not the colors of any of the Hogwarts Houses. My son wanted Green and Black and my daughter wanted Red and Black.
I also knitted a sweater from this same book for my soon-to-be daughter-in-law as a Christmas gift. I do hope she likes it. I have hunted the net and can't find the picture from the book of the sweater. I will post a picture of it when my hubby returns home with my camera and memory stick.
Anyway, the patterns in this book are great! They are easy to follow and take almost NO time. I did the scarves in a week (each), and the sweater took 2 weeks. Not bad for a month's time.

Friday, April 20, 2007

I am knitting this sweater for my daughter. I am using a different yarn than the one suggested and shown. I am using Gedifra Top Soft. It appears to be a little heavier than what is shown. I am also changing the stitch pattern for the sweater itself. I don't like the eyelet holes that it is shown with. I want it to be a sweater she can wear as a shirt instead of a bathing suit coverup. So I am using a stitch pattern that I like out of this book:

Thursday, April 19, 2007

I love the look of this. I would love to knit this.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

I love to knit

I have been knitting for many years now. I taught myself to knit more than 20 years ago when I was in college. I saw someone doing it and thought it looked like fun, so I bought myself a book and learned. I have been doing it off and on since then. In the early years I would start something then get bored with it and start something else, never actually finishing any one project. I never actually finished a sweater until just a couple of years ago. I had actually finished a couple of afghans, however. Because I live in the south (deep south), I never went through the scarf and hat phase that most new knitters seem to go through (they just weren't practical for me.) Recently though, I have made several beanie hats and those skinny little scarfs that are so popular now. My two teenagers are reaping the benefits of that. :)
Right now I am working my way through a book of stitch patterns using different yarns leftover and new. My optimistic plan is to possibly put the swatches together into a kind of quilt, although I'm not sure how that is going to work out since they are all of different sizes. We'll see. I'm also knitting a true scarf (or is it a muffler?) for my son who is in the army and is stationed at Ft. Drum, NY. I understand from him that it gets pretty doggone cold up there.